Tuesday, January 6, 2015

What I've been working on lately

It's a new year.

As a now-unemployed-former-teacher-of-college-students, I've been able to focus quite a bit on my art and writing since the move from Indiana to Ohio.

I've been filling my time with writing, reading, and creating collage art.

So here's what I've been working on lately.

My husband got me LOTS of wonderful books for Christmas.  This is what I'm currently reading:

The book goes back and forth between the perspective of a killer and the detective trying to solve the case.  It's an interesting change of pace for all you Stephen King lovers out there.  
 Up next on my list of reads:

More Stephen King - his most recent releases.  Need I say more?
A collection of Hemingway's works.  I've read The Old Man and the Sea and attempted A Farewell to Arms.  Time to give the novel another try and then dive into The Sun Also Rises and For Whom the Bell Tolls.
Yes, I've already read this.  Yes, I know it's insanely popular right now.  But I love this book.  Love it.  Plus, John Green is a native Hoosier like me. 
I'm also simultaneously feeding my love for learning anatomy:

Isn't the front cover glorious!?
Who doesn't want to brush up on their bone knowledge?
And I also found something that I thought was lost in the move.  My beloved anatomy coloring book:

Seriously...who comes up with this stuff!?  They know people like me can't resist!
So when I'm writing or painting, I also have new music to listen to.  Hubby got me Red Hot Chili Peppers Californication album and Foster the People's new album, Supermodel.  On vinyl.  And they sound wonderful on my record player.

I might be slightly obsessed with the Chili Peppers.
Loving the follow-up album to Torches.
I've also been working on some artwork, painting, collage, and all that good stuff.  Here's my most recent piece.  It's dedicated to Stephen King's short story, "Everything's Eventual," from the collection, Everything's Eventual.  It's called "Maybe the Cleaners."

"Maybe the cleaners are a little afraid of me, too."  Acrylic paint on canvas with Harter's images and paper.   

 Here's some other recent collage work I've done. 

"Look forward."
Photo collage of hubby with acrylic paints.
Combining the stories of St. Jude and Job.
And I always keep a collage journal:

Mix media.
I know I've posted this before, but who doesn't love Sylvia Plath?
And I've been working on my writing as usual.  My most recent publication is an ekphrastic poem I wrote called "Autumn Rhythm" after Jackson Pollock's painting, Autumn Rhythm.  It was featured in the Montucky Review.  You can read it here:


Justin and I also got to go to the Toledo Museum of Art last weekend.  So much awesome-ness.  So much to see. 

Life is good.

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